Thursday 3 May 2012


After adobe premiere didn't work i thought one of the problems could be something wrong with the renders, so i attempted to play the first one and it said that it has a duration of 5 seconds, which didn't make sense as it should have been 21 seconds. So i checked the other two and they both said the same thing that they were too short. i thought this may have been because they were all trying to save to the same folder at the same time from 3 different computers, so I created 3 new folders & redid the renders. This fixed the problem so the renders are the full duration now. After doing this and importing the new renders into premiere they can now be joined together. there is a slight problem as i left some overlap between the renders as i thought it would snap them together, however this does not happen so the last second of scenes two and three are repeated at the beginning of the next scene. I have fixed this by editing the end time for scenes two and three. Pressing i at the begginging of the scene, and o when i wanted the scene to end. Then moving the later scenes back to realign the timeline.

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