Thursday 3 May 2012


Finally i added a target camera. I thought of using a path constant to make it and where it is aiming follow the tank, but didn't because after the tank it would be annoying it make it move in the direction that i wanted. so i just used set key and manually followed the tank along its path. when the tank stoped i zoomed in on the cannon so that i would have a close up of it firing the cannon ball. Then following the cannon ball through its trajectory and zoom in to see it hit the tower and the crack appear. after this i made it spin around and up the tower to the man.because the man started to jump too soon, in order for the camera to be watching him jump the camera has to move around the tower too fast. when the camera has reached him it has to watch him jump from in front of him, then rotate around to behind him to show the parachute expanding. then follow him as he floats away. to end at frame 1269 when the camera is zoomed in on the parachute to give a single colour background for the ending.

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