Wednesday 2 May 2012


during the animation i needed my straw man to jump over the wall on the top of the tower so that he could parachute away. to make the model easy to animate i applied it to a biped. this involved adding a biped to the stage, then positioned the biped inside the model. there was a slight problem that the biped was always added facing the front and my model was facing to the left. to resolve this i had to reopen a new version of the model, rotate it to the front, freeze the model so that it was not edited when i was adjusting the biped, then add the biped. after doing this i had to scale the limbs of the biped so that they were the correct size  for the model, which was slightly annoying because it involved editing the axis individually so that the biped was not visible through the model. next i unfroze the model and linked it to the biped. finally editing the biped so that it does not render, which means it will not show up in case it is visible through the model at some point in the animation.

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