Friday, 16 March 2012


this is the story board depicting the scenes of my animation. the animation will be using the leonardo da vinci models show on this blog, along with tools such as lighting and cameras to giving  the desired angles and effects.
the animation starts with the tank advancing towards the tower using an angles longshot to give an idea of distance. the second involves the camera rotating around the tank, and zooming in on a cannon to show it firing. next the camera will zoom out, and follow the cannon ball as it travels with a slight spin towards the tower. When the cannon ball hits the tower it will cause a small dust cloud and the wall will crack. because of this the person standing on top of the tower decides that its time to run and jumps of the tower. he opens his parachute to glide away. the animation ends with a fade out to black on the man with his parachute floating away.

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